We Serve Through ...
PRAYER. The power of prayer is indisputable. The disciples realized this when they said to Jesus, “Lord, teach us how to pray” (Luke 11:1). The Diaconate prays for our Pastor, ministers, staff, members, the community, and for one another. We receive requests from members to pray with them individually, and we lift up to the Lord submissions received via the online prayer requests process. We also lead Wednesday evening prayer in the sanctuary and other corporate prayer times for the membership.
COMMUNION. On the eve of his death, Jesus instituted a significant new fellowship meal that we observe today as the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11:23-26). We count it a blessing to be allowed to serve communion each month. It is a tremendous honor to serve God and our fellow believers while we remember Jesus' sacrifice for us. We sit the table before you that causes us to remember Jesus’ death and resurrection, and to look for His glorious return in the future.
BAPTISM. Although Jesus knew no sin, He demonstrated to us that baptism is an outward testimony of the inward spiritual change that takes place when a person receives the free gift of salvation. The Diaconate helps the baptism candidates prepare for when they publicly proclaim through baptism their changed lives because of Jesus. Baptism is that wonderful command of Jesus (Matthew 28:19), where we are given the opportunity to symbolize our dying to self and rebirth as a son or daughter of God.
BENEVOLENCE. Jesus said it is more blessed to give than receive (Acts 20:35). Our church has the opportunity to bless others through the Fellowship Fund. We have oversight administration and stewardship of this fund, which is reserved for those who have an emergency need. Disbursements from the fund is not a loan. The funds are a gift from members and visitors who contribute to do good for those especially in the household of faith.
Deacon Emeritus Sam Akitobi
Deacon Robert Crabbe
Deacon John Abakah
Deacon Ben King
Deacon Sam Opaluwa
Deaconess Modupe Bada
Deaconess Diane Brockington
Deaconess Claudette Knight
Deaconess Carol Pettus
Deaconess Hyacinth Salmon
Deaconess Pam Sanford
Deaconess Wendy Walkes